Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What were they thinking?

While browsin around this world wide internet, I come to realize something:


Seriously, have you ever sat back and wondered what in the world was so and so thinking when they did this or did that? Well, NOW, I got proof that people do the darndest things...honestly, this is a section for straight idiots in life.


Harry and his buddies decide that, after watching "Kung Fu: Ninja Warrior" they're going to show off their skills and show the world that they too can take down numerous bad guys. Little does Harry realize that he's been drinking too much, and his buddies aren't exactly the sharpest bunch of crayons in the Crayola box! Watch how Harry (the first guy) takes on the bad guys! *Note: If you can't do a backflip, keep ya butt on the ground (the black guy)*

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